Saturday, March 01, 2008

Done and Done

I've missed the big Christmas shopping season, but it's out just in time to give that special someone a mediocre book for Easter. Sure, it doesn't have anything to do with rabbits, the second coming of Jesus, or even eggs. But even so, it's my Novel, and I'm' done with it.

It sure did take forever. I wrote it in a month, printed it out, then took it home for Christmas. Several people read those copies and circled a bunch of stuff. I fixed those things then gave it to Flannery to read. She circled a bunch more stuff. When she was done I had to read through it yet again, and to tell you the truth I'm kind of sick of it at this point. None the less, I feel I should have something to show for my lack of blogging, so I finished editing last night.

Behold: You can get a really nice looking paper back version of my novel here:

You can also download it for free there, but what's the fun in that?

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