Friday, February 27, 2004

One of Many

Since this is my first post, I thought I would start it out with something important and eye-catching. Something to really make the reader say, "Why am I wasting my time here?" I want something that really makes the title ring true. So here it goes:

It took me quite a while to place the smell in my bathroom. I mean, it wasn't a regular bathroom smell, so I could sniff repeatedly with no discomfort to my olfactory sense. Finally though, I realized it was popcorn. Why does my bathroom smell like popcorn, you may ask? Well, to tell you the truth, I asked the same thing. But since I'm only here when Amos is not, I had only myself to ask. I did, and still don't know the answer. I guess if your bathroom is going to have a distinct smell, it might as well be popcorn.

I should probably tell you why I have this blog. Its only purpose is to make me write more often. In fact, since the aforementioned purpose has nothing to do with readers, I don’t even need this paragraph. Although, maybe someone will find it and wonder why I’m blathering on like this. If they do, then this paragraph is for them.