Thursday, October 04, 2007

News for Computer Land

I had decided when I started my new job that I wouldn't write about people from work. It's not nice to write about people if they might read it at some point. But in the tradition of other IT stories ("my cup holder isn't working") this one had to be told.

So I get a call today with the following problem: A user has an issue where he often accidentally hits the ctrl button when he's typing. Occasionally he'll combine that with an A key thereby selecting his entire document. Upon his next key stroke his document is gone. Could I, by any chance, disable the left ctrl key?

Everybody else in my department balked and told me to tell the guy there was nothing I could do, and that I didn't want to encourage him.

Alas, I tried to tell him no, but I'm a push over. So I brought him a keyboard with some keys already missing and popped the right hand ctrl key off. Such a kindly IT guy I am.

In cat news Clayton's ear has started to itch again and his self imposed ear scabs are making a comeback. His scabies medicine isn't due for another week, so I'm taking him to the vet on Saturday so they can figure out if he needs a cream or a cone or something. Sooner or later I'm going to get all his deficiencies worked out.

Well, not all of them. He just accidentally rolled off the couch and tried to catch himself using a single claw and my thigh. I don't think there's a cure for being both clumsy and sharp.


Anonymous said...

Clayton has blue eyes. Is he part Siamese?

Michael said...

Indeed. Sinner G suggested he might be a full flame-point Siamese.