Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mail for Charles?

We get a lot of mail for the people who used to live here, and normally I just recycle it. But I do read the envelopes to see if maybe it's something I should shred. So while I was reading envelopes today my interest was peaked by the a letter from the Trident Society offering me a "Free Pre-Paid Cremation!"

Just the name Trident Society got me wondering what this letter was all about, but the enticing but contradictory Free Pre-Paid Cremation made me open it. (Just as a quick aside, isn't prepaid one word? My spellchecker says it is.)

Turns out they don't just offer a free prepaid cremation to everyone, you have to enter to win it. I suppose everyone needs to be disposed of at some point, but I'm uncomfortable entering to win a free cremation. I want to give somebody money before they cremate me. Otherwise what motivation do they have to wait? Maybe I would view this as a more exciting opportunity if I were older. Right now it's about as enticing as receiving socks and underwear on your birthday, bur morbid.

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