Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Spell Check Catastrophe

Or very nearly one. I was writing to a girl from Yahoo Personals who asked me if I play my own songs or mostly do covers. What I was trying to write was

I do some of my own stuff, but I'm such a slow and sporadic songwriter that mostly I play covers.

But because I spelled sporadic, sparatic, spell check tried to make the sentence:

I do some of my own stuff, but I'm such a slow and spermatic songwriter that mostly I play covers.

I'm not sure what a spermatic songwriter is, but it sounds messy, and certainly not how I want to identify myself.


Ginamonster said...

rotflmao. and my boss is staring. not very ladylike in a skirt...

Veruca Salt said...

Is that really even a word? And, if so, how would one use it?

Michael said...

For the actual definition you can go here.

And you could use it in a sentence by saying, "tapioca is spermatic."