Friday, September 15, 2006

Relationship Osmosis

My last two first dates have ended with a budding new relationship. But not with me and my date, they've been with my date and the other she's been dating. I have two theories as to why this might be:

The Good Example Theory - The other guy decides he's going to have to make a commitment to stop his new lady friend from seeing other worryingly alluring men like me.

The Bad Example Theory - The girl realizes that the person she's been seeing is probably worth while if other dates are going to be like this one.

I was talking to my sister tonight and she was saying the same thing used to happen to her except she'd make couples get back together. We have some sort of a self-effacing relationship mojo. It's both a gift and a curse*. I'm thinking we should start some sort of relationship catalyst service.

* It's just a curse.

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