Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Does anyone here listen to This American Life? I really like that show and they are having people call in with scary stories that they'll play on the air for their Halloween show. I just called in and told the story of on of my coworkers talking to a dead guy and apologizing for having to disturb him. It's not very scary, but I have this ill-conceived hope that Ira Glass will want to talk to somebody who has a job as weird as mine is.

As unlikely as it may be on the face of it, it's even more unlikely I'll be on the radio due to my extreme nervousness. I had to record my story twice on the voicemail thingy, and who knows how many details I screwed up. My brain tends to shut down in situations like these. I may have related an age old family recipe for banana bread for all I know.


Sonja said...

Is it a scary recipe?

Michael said...

It involves brown bananas. So yes if you have a fear of non-primary colors.