Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Day in Reverse

My last delivery of the day was fairly straight forward, but was overarchingly irritating. I'd been trying to deliver this guy's mattress since Friday, but he wouldn't let me because he "has no where to put it and he can't get the patient out of bed." I checked again on Monday and he angrily told me he'd call me back when he figured out how to use the Hoyer lift. So today he called and said he was ready, so I scheduled a 4:30pm appointment and he told me that I "shouldn't come early. Be here at 4:30pm exactly." I rang the doorbell at 4:30 and 15 seconds and he invited me into his GIGANTIC house and asked me to "just set the mattress down in the hall here. I'll put it on later." It seems like an awful lot of hassle for something I could have done on Friday.

My second to last delivery was to a facility which caters almost exclusively to the aged Chinese. There's a common area where all the residents sit in their wheelchairs, eat, nap, stare off into space, and/or watch TV. Today most everybody was staring off into space or napping. I guess they weren't interested in the sexually lurid anime that was blasting out of the TV.

I had lunch at a surprisingly festive Taco Bell today. There were two-flower vases on every table sitting on black and white thin plastic table"cloths". The ceiling behind the counter was covered with mylar balloons and every once in a while an employee would come by and offer everybody some free birthday cake. People kept inquiring about the occasion, but the employees either didn't know or didn't have the English acumen to get the message across.

Us: What's the occasion?
Them: It's a party.

Us: What's the cake for?
Them: For the customer.

Us: What's with all the decorations?
Them: It's a birthday party.
Us: Whose birthday?
Them: Taco Bell.

So I guess Taco Bell had a birthday today? Did anyone else see anything like this? Or maybe just this location?

But 3 taco supremes, 1 slice of Taco Bell birthday cake, and a guy who decided the far left FasTrak lane was not for him and that he should park perpendicularly across my FasTrak lane did not do my heart any good. Tomorrow I'm back on a diet of better food and driving.

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