Tuesday, August 10, 2004

This is SpiralKid

I'm probably the only person on Earth who hasn't seen This is Spinaltap all the way through. Be that as it may, I have seen enough of it via clips and references that I know Spinaltap had trouble keeping drummers. My band seems to have the same problem, except with both drummers and bassists, and ours don’t explode.

To tell you the truth, our bassist is fairly stable, and we've had him for quite a while. It's just that we went through probably 8 bassists before we found him, all in quick succession. Our drummers last longer, but still leave. Drummer #1 got a job with the SETI project with NASA, and went to go do that in the mountains someplace. Drummer #2 has just left because he had 2 other projects and is looking for a job. Out of a 4 person band, the lead guitarist and I are the only original members.

Every time somebody leaves, we have to relearn the songs with the replacement player. Ergo, we will NEVER play a show. So all those who would like to see SpiralKid songs performed, please come to my living room. Doors open after work and a shower, admission is free (price does not include shower). 18 and over please, and it wouldn't hurt if you were hot and female (with a great personality to match.)

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