Monday, April 03, 2006

A Number of Things

I went to the Pacific Super on Sunday to pick up some more fancy quality squid, and whatever else looked interesting, for Cate. While I was there I got some seedless red grapes on sale for 69 cents per pound. I think they were on sale because they aren't very seedless. About every third grape is a little crunchier than I'm comfortable with.

A combination of being on East Coast time, Daylight Savings, and trouble sleeping last night has made me very tired, but oddly awake. I'd like to crawl into bed right now, but I'm afraid my brain might get up and aimlessly wander around my apartment for hours yet.

The Chicago Midway airport is a surprisingly religious place. While I was eating some airport food I overheard a lady on her cell phone talking to somebody about her church, their congregation, and her praying for somebody about something. She wrapped up the call with a request that the person on the other end pray for her to make the flight, as she happened to be on the standby list. Possibly relatedly, I was reading an article about how some people in, of all places, Chicago, did a study on the effects of praying for people who underwent heart surgery. The two most interesting groups where those who were prayed for, and those who weren't, both groups having been told that people may or may not pray for them. The people who were prayed for had a slightly higher rate of complications than those who had received no prayers. The people conducting the study couldn't explain it, but I think it's because people like the lady in Midway are using up all the prayer bandwidth by asking if the holy trinity can scoot her up the standby list.

In addition to all the praying and studying of praying, there were several announcements about the Catholic mass to be held in Terminal C at 4pm, and how everyone was invited. It was, oddly enough, a Saturday.

My next door neighbors seem to be having urinal for dinner. It's very unpleasant. Speaking of which ...

When you drive this truck at the airport,

never confuse this nozzle

with this one.

You'll probably get fired. Or possibly set fire to a toilet. Neither of which makes for a good week.

1 comment:

sightofstars said...

i’m sure it’s purely coincidental, but do you think they chose Terminal C for Catholic?

other hypothetically religious Terminals:

A for Atheist
B for Baptist
C for Christian
D for Denomination-Free or Dominican
E for Evangelical
F for Falun Gong
G for get my drift