Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Wayward Youth of Nicer Neighborhoods

I was riding the M-Line home from the San Francisco car show with a bunch of skateboard youth, all in the 13-15 year old range. They were trying to look all cool and skatery, but has braces and zits, a both losers in cool points that are hard to overcome.

As they rode the MUNI toward a potential skate location they were comparing various school mates' house sizes to their own, mostly unfavorably. And one girl, who it happens has a helipad on her roof, has a nice house but is always busy with all her after school activities. Said the shortest and most portly wayward youth to his friend, "that's what I love about my life: I'm free. I don't do any after school activities. I don't do any sports related stuff. I don't do homework. I have a ton of free time."

The children are the future.

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