Saturday, June 26, 2004

A Whole Lotta Day

I'm exhausted from a mostly good, but extremely tiring day. Today I:

-Got a tentative job at a metal shop at which I may do metal work, a website, and computer construction. All shall be discussed and decided in the coming weeks. If all goes well, I'll get to go to New York to install a big metal door. I've never been there, but I would sure like to go.

-Carried big, thick sheets of glass around, set them in huge aluminum shoes, poured pour stone around them, and climbed around on some rickety-ass scaffolding. Actually, apart from the scaffolding bit, I've been doing this one all week, but today was the last day of it.

-Discovered via a phone call from her mother, that my girlfriend has an intestinal parasite and is in the hospital in El Salvador. (First she was in El Salvador, and then got the parasite. She was not flown to a hospital in El Salvador after contracting it here. That would be dumb.) So I'm worried about her despite reports that she's doing much better and will be fine.

-Went to an excellent concert where Mike Doughty’s Band headlined, and where Keaton Simons opened the show. Doughty was great, as I was sure he would be, and despite not being in my usual musical genre of choice, Keaton Simons was good as well. I shall not mention the middle band other than to say they were distinctly middling.

-Wrote a blog entry.

-Went to bed.

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