Tuesday, July 12, 2005

4 Senses, at Least

Last night I had a dream where I went to work, and when I couldn't find my supervisor, I looked around the corner into the bedroom (nope, we don't really have a bedroom at work) to find him almost completely hidden under the covers, and the room smelled like chunder. When I woke up it look a little while for the vomit smell to fade.

I didn't know I could smell in dreams before this. I've had other vivid dreams where spiders have faded from view when I woke up, but never smells. So I can definitely hear, see, touch, and smell. And since taste is 52% smell (or something) I'm more than half way to tasting.

Now that I know I have this skill, maybe I can put it to better use and smell flowers, or perfume, or something. Waking up to the fading smell of puke is not the best part of waking up. Then again, nor is Folgers in my cup. However, Folders* does smell good.

* That was originally supposed to be Folgers. My problem arose when I initially realized I didn't know how to spell Folgers, so I went to Google - my friend, confidant, and special spelling envoy. The first search I typed was:

"The best part of waking up" "is foldiers in your cup"

To which I got 2 results. I was sure Folgers was mentioned more than twice. So I took off the quotes, but in the process accidentally took off "is f" so I searched for

The best part of waking up oldiers in your cup

to which Google suggested that perhaps I meant:

The best part of waking up soldiers in your cup

Just to see if anyone has ever written anything about soldiers in cups, I clicked that I did mean soldiers. Apparently there is a joke which goes:

A grandmother was surprised by her 7-year-old grandson one morning. He had made her coffee. She drank what was the worst cup of coffee in her life. When she got to the bottom, there were three of those little green army men in the cup. She said, "Honey, what are the army men doing in my coffee?"

Her grandson said, "Grandma, it says on TV... The best part of waking up is soldiers in your cup!"

So that's what you get for making fun of my typos - a long boring explanation of where they came from. (When in actuality they came from me not reading my post through thoroughly.)

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