Monday, July 18, 2005


All in all I had a pretty good weekend. I

- Had a friend come visit
- Got a kitten (from the friend. Surprise! Her name is Norbert.)
- Went to see a concert I didn't know much about but thoroughly enjoyed it. (Sufjan Stevens and Liz Janes. Xylophones, ukulele, and banjoes are good instruments despite being difficult to spell.)
- Bought a violin of the street for $12. (It needs a lot of work and may have been stolen. I'm trying to decipher the phone number on the case which has been so efficiently sharpied out.)
- Discovered and bought tickets to a concert I really want to go see. (Turin Brakes)
- And received my 50 ultra bright white LEDs so I can upgrade my thank you sign for optimum day viewing.

So many projects, so little time.


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