Monday, July 25, 2005

Thoroughly Gross
Really, it is. Don't say I didn't warn you.

My hand hurt. It hurt in the morning when I got up. It hurt more when I took a shower and got shampoo in my hand hole. It hurt last night while Norbert was doing her best to attack my handage. (Hand bandage.) And it especially hurt all day at work as I tried to grab and manipulate things with my hand.

But as I write this post I'm using both hands and typing at normal speed. “How can that be?” you ask. Well, I'll tell you how that can be:

Long about 3 o'clock I took my most recent handage off to discover that some of the non-stick cotton pad had stuck. While tenderly extracting cotton bits, I started to worry that there was something else in my hand hole. Turns out it was just a skin chunk which had turned almost over was sitting in its former home sideways. I righted it and put a band aid on, and now my fingers are flying and fancy free. (So long as I don't make certain movements, some of which I seem not to be smart enough to avoid. Twist off Henry Weinhard's root beer caps, for instance, are a big no-no.)

The moral of the story is 2 fold:

1st Fold) Don't drill a hole in something with one hand while holding it from behind with the other.

2nd Fold) Put any stray skin back where you found it. Your body will thank you.

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