Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A Very Short Post*

1. Today I saw a man vacuum his carpet with a canister style vacuum with no attachments. He just scraped the bare tube along the floor leaving a clean but thin line of clean behind. His apartment was very small, but it would still take him years to do the entire square-footage of carpet that way.

2. Below is a picture of my new and thoroughly awesome clock. It used to be an old and not very awesome alarm clock until I stripped out the radio, took off the plastic case, and encased it in resin. I had wire up some buttons so I could set the time, and they work. And it works. I'm pleased and amazed.

I'll put up a more focused picture when I'm not trying to go to bed.

*Because the rest of the evening was used up by remotely devirusing a computer. It takes a long to comb through the registry over the phone.

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