Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Difficult Delivery

My last delivery of the day was much harder than I was hoping for.

The first problem arose when I got to the patient's neighborhood to discover that nearly all the parking was blocked off because somebody was filming something. I have no idea what it was they were filming, but it involved a flat-black Mini Cooper with a camera crane strapped to the top and roughly 54 cubic feet of bouncy balls which the filmy people were busily loading into 5 gallon buckets.

The second problem was that I had to lug a 75 pound box of gel mattress pad up a flight of stairs, into a little tiny expensive San Francisco elevator and then put said pad on the bed. The patient and care givers poked at it for a while then decided they didn't want it. So I put it back in box, crammed myself back in the elevator, and then hobbled back down the stairs.

Luckily I managed to park close by. I didn't think I was going to be able to at first, because the truck from which they unloaded the huge bouncy ball cage was blocking my street for a half hour or so. But just before I was about to give up and park someplace near home and take the bus, the bouncy truck moved.

All in all it was totally worth it. I got to see a really amazing view from the house (most of the Financial District and all of the Bay Bridge including a very centered Treasure Island), I ended up with a splendid parking spot, and I got to see 54 cubic feet of bouncy balls.

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