Saturday, May 06, 2006

Friendly Neighbors

Today, while walking back from the mall, I found a note on my car that said, "move your car it been theair a week."

I'm not entirely sure if it's actually an "a" in theair. It could be theetir, or therir.

One way or the other, it's only been there since Monday night. I'm a full day short of it being there a week. And who cares? I'm in a perfectly legal parking place. Jerks.


Unknown said...

Maybe they meant it was in the air. Perhaps your car does tricks when you are not around.

Rees said...

Is your car an eyesore or something?

Michael said...

It most certainly is not. It has some artfully arranged Darwin/shark/alien fish on the back and a friendly light-up thank you sign in the window. I think they wanted me to move so they could park their car in the street instead of in the driveway. Again, jerks.