Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Not to Change the Subject

But I'm not sure I have any more thrilling or entertaining stories of cancer with which to entertain you at the moment.

What I will talk about briefly is that I've just gotten an email for a girl on a personals site. And that's great; I don't get a lot of emails. (And I don't get a lot of replies to my emails which makes for some pretty slow going.)

Anyhow, she's awfully good looking, and that worries me. It's not that attractive girls cause me great dismay, but I'm worried she isn't real, or who knows – just that something is wrong. I've been fooled before. I once had a very nice email from a girl telling me I could contact her for free via her profile on her "friend's" website. Since you have to pay to email people I thought it was really nice that she'd tell me how to contact her for free. No such luck. It was all an evil ploy to get me to sign up for another dating site.

I've also had messages from little cute pictures of girls who, when clicked, turned into bigger pictures of girls with Adam's apples and big, hairy, man-hands. Not things I'm looking for in a relationship.

But all her pictures confirm that she's a cute girl with regular sized girl-hands and a bulge-free neck. And she hasn't asked me to go sign up at a website or anything. So I'm just going to go ahead, cross my fingers, and hope she's a real person who just happens to think the picture of me in my plaid hat is worthy of an email.


Jootastic said...

awww... how sweet! and now... you have a heroic story to tell her about your scare.

chicks. dig. that.

Ginamonster said...

ooh! I'll cross my fingers for you! normal girls use the personals too. or at least I do. well, I'm not really normal, but I pretend well. for the first couple of minutes you know me...

Anonymous said...

Ummm did you happen to grow up in Portland, OR?

If not, sorry, you're not the same Mike Kadel I was thinking of, but I have enjoyed sifting through your blog.

Michael said...

I did indeed grow up in Portland. Which anonymous person are you?

sightofstars said...

best of luck, mike! you deserve good things. :)