Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Hire Me

Yikes. I have an interview tomorrow. I’m both excited and scared to death. The interview is with TiVo, which I gather is a fun place to work. And I do love my TiVo, so there is already some company loyalty. In addition, the job is a good one as far as growth opportunities are concerned. It would be nice to finally start a career.

The scared to death part of it comes from the having to not only talk to strangers, but having to get those strangers to like me enough that they want to pay me to come work for them. I don’t even like asking where things are in the store.

On the bright side, I really truly believe I can do the job well. So if I can just convince the fine people at TiVo of the same thing, I should be all set. Maybe I should bring them some cookies or something.

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