Thursday, August 17, 2006

And may God bless me this evening as much as I would bless Him if I were He and He were Charles Dalrymple.*

In my old apartment I had a Brigadoon fly. Once in a while he would show up, fully grown, and buzz around the apartment until he died, all big and ungainly, in the track of the sliding glass door. He never appeared small and grew large. He was full size or he wasn't there at all.

In my new apartment I seem to have a Brigadoon daddy long legs. He appears every so often fully grown in my shower. If he were to appear fully grown by my front door, he might get politely ushered into the garage. But if you're a spider, and I'm naked when I discover you, you are going to die.

I have a theory on why and how the Brigadoon spiders keep appearing. I think that there is an alternate dimension ruled by Spider Command and they happen to have access to an interdimensional portal. Alas, spider world is running out of food, and their plan to combat hunger is to capture a fully grown person. The clothes would be too much trouble to get off when feeding the multitudes, so they send their biggest, best, and brightest into my shower to bag me when I'm clean, fresh, and without indigestible clothing. Unfortunately they keep losing contact with their recruits. Before they can send a message back to headquarters they've been summarily sprayed with raid and flushed down the toilet. Spider Command is baffled but keeps pushing willing daddies long legs through the portal while assuring the population that everything is going smoothly.

Hooray for raid. Some of these suckers have a leg-span which is too big to safely corral inside a wad of toilet paper. Raid makes them a lot more compact, though it does make my shower time quite a bit less pleasant.

*In case you were wondering, it's a quote from Brigadoon.


Anonymous said...

"I'm highly attracted to you. Why, when I look at you I feel wee tadpoles jumping in my spine."

Meg Brockie, Brigadoon, 1954

Sonja said...

I only have one thing to add. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Just how long can Spider Command continue its charade with the masses? This seems like a serious lapse in leadership if you ask me. I'm sure they'll just continue to throw money at the problem and continue sending daddy long leg cadets to their doom...unless perhaps their master plan involves being flushed down the toilet and surpising you from below. I advice plugging drains at night.

Anonymous said...

I "advise"

Yes I am a writer.