Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Ah MySpace. What a pain. It's annoying that's so useful.

I greatly dislike when my email lets me know I have a message and friend request waiting for me at MySpace, but when I get there it turns out to be some hip hop group who would really like me to give their songs a whirl. Carlos, of BigSexy Ent for instance. No Carlos, no matter how big or sexy you may be, I do not want to be your friend nor attend any of your promotional events.

There's also a fair bit of porn spam on MySpace. If I get a friend request from a girl who is kind of mediumly attractive, I click on it to see who she might be. If I get a friend request from a girl who's the hottest thing since building hospital beds in the sunshine, I delete it because I don't need other peoples porn foisted on me when I'm not expecting it.

All this with the added benefit of being the slowest site on the interweb, you'd think nobody would visit. But alas, it has its uses. What do you do, for instance, if you meet somebody at a party but mistakenly come away with the impression that she is a lesbian? You look her up on MySpace, that's what.

If only I wasn't such a social Olympian*, I'd see if she wanted to get some coffee or something**.

*Olympian of the special variety.

**Something being any of the fantastic Ideas in the comments of the last post. Well, fantastic apart from the Joo's.


Jootastic said...

Fine, no roofies or proposals right now. But, how did the second date go? What did you guys do?

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that it's not cool to have MySpace once you turn 30...that means I have a few months before I start lying about my age.

It is quasi useful for reconnecting with old friends. I never add people I don't know. So my "friends" are limited, but true in, I'm sorry, I was supposed to leave a comment, not a manifesto.

Ahem. What I mean to say it, I can never find the people I want to find on MySpace. They are clever little deveils and use pseudonyms...or don't myspace.


Michael said...

The second date hasn't happened yet. So we will all have to wait and see.

sightofstars said...

hey! if it weren't for myspace, we wouldn't be friends.