Friday, November 03, 2006

Dark Haha

I went to New York last weekend to visit a friend, and as we were riding the subway to go see Spamalot (which was excellent) a homeless man wandered down the middle of the subway car. "Does anyone have any sodas or snacks? Chips? Burgers? Anyone have anything to drink?"

"He's a like a flight attendant in reverse," I pointed out.
"You are going straight to hell," my friend assured.

I do worry about my sense of humor. As I was driving down from Napa this week I saw a rabbit which had been run over in the middle of the road. It's body was flat, it's face was flat, it's tail was flat. It was as if somebody had neatly drawn a lifelike rabbit on the pavement. It was entirely two dimensional except for its perfectly intact, upright, rabbit ears, as if it were part of Nature's pop-up book. When I saw it I simultaneously laughed out loud and said "gross." The laughing out loud is the bit that worries me. I hardly ever laugh out loud.


Kim said...

I'm picturing playboy bunny style roadkill. And do admit, that's funny.

But seriously, very seriously...I don't know what's worse:
1) Laughing out loud at roadkill
2) Blogging about laughing out loud at roadkill
3) Me, reading you describe roadkill, and laughing out loud about it.

I guess I'm twisted by proxy. Thanks a lot.

Jootastic said...

But the point about the homeless guy is SO true. And, who carries burgers around with them on a subway anyhow?