Monday, December 11, 2006

Electric Plant Waterer Revealed!

Here it is! I couldn't find a good box to mount it in, so it's still only sort of done. When I find a good box I'll put it together for real which will improve things in the following ways:

- I won't need the pot holders to muffle the sound of the compressor.
- I'll put a switch plate on top of the dimmer switch for a more professional look.
- I'll have something to screw the dimmer switch to so it doesn't fall out.
- Tape won't have to be employed to hold the box together.

Without further ado, here it is:

The whole shebang. Isn't she beautiful?

The Kadel Engineering tank. (No relation.)

The box which holds the dimmer switch, air compressor, and the plug.

The sheer power of the electric plant waterer with the compressor turned up (via the dimmer switch) full blast.

The tender watering ability when the dimmer is turned down about half way. Past half way and the compressor just hums and nothing comes out.

Ta da! I'm sure it wasn't worth the wait.

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