Sunday, May 23, 2004

Days of Chunder

Here are some things I've learned today:

1) Second hand smoke is bad for me. Sitting in a big cloud of it for 15 minutes today gave me a HUGE headache, and then made be chunder in the bushes.

2) Good Frickin' Chicken serves some good frickin' chicken. In addition, they bring you your drink and give you free refills. Also, the chicken comes with this flat bread and garlic spread stuff which are both really good.

3) My voice goes away a little after talking on the phone for 3 hours straight.

4) People who stay standing on their bicycles at intersetions are usually on fixed gear bikes.

5) If you type math into your Google bar, or into the Google search page, it gives you the answer. It's going to be both my spellchecker and calculator. Google is awsome.

6) Illegal mp3 downloads are becoming harder and harder to come by.

I'm not sure if this last one is becuase the record companies are succeding in making people not share music, or because the music I download seems to be unreleased in the US, and no one in the UK uses Kazaa. I wonder if there is a popular file sharing program in the UK that I don't know about. Time to do some googling.

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