Sunday, May 30, 2004

Driving, Leukemia, and a Denim-clad Chihuahua

People need to post to their blogs more often. What am I supposed to read if there aren't any new posts? The newspaper? Books? Magazines? Be serious people. [He says in his first post since Tuesday.]

On Friday I went to traffic school. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be; but it definitely had its odd/disturbing moments.

The first oddity of traffic school is the name. Mine was Comedy Traffic School. But they all have weird names like that. Nu Tech Traffic School. Lettuce Amuse U Traffic School. Cheap-4-Less Traffic School. Odddely Speeeled Lame-Name Traffic School. I guess since there are 1,000,005 traffic schools they have to come up with different names, but couldn't they be less weird? They all made me hesitant to sign up. What's wrong with Ed's Traffic School? Or Acme Traffic School? Something that doesn't make me go into it dreading 8 hours of somebody failing to be funny.

The rest of the oddities all had to do with the class itself. When the teacher was asking why those of us* who raised our hands don't wear our seat belts, one guy had this to say: "I have leukemia, so I won't survive so much as a cut or bruise. It would just be more convenient if I died in an accident." Makes sense to me. He also drives a motorcycle and smokes. I'll bet when no one is looking he runs with scissors.

The only other weirdo worth mentioning was a girl who brought her Chihuahua to the last 4 hours of class in a black, nylon, zipper-topped bag. She said that she couldn't leave it at home for too long. She put the bag on the floor, and to better conceal the squirming, she put her jean jacket on top of the bag. To the dog's credit, it was superbly behaved. I guess Chihuahuas aren't claustrophobic. If I were zipped into a nylon bag on the floor with a jacket over me, I think I might freak out a little. Then again, I can be left alone for more than 8 hours at a time.

* By us, I mean we the students. And by we the students, I mean not me. I always wear my seatbelt.

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