Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Fashion Nugget

Today I made some deliveries in the South Bay. I'm glad I don't go there very often.

On the way down I got stuck TWICE behind a street cleaner. Street cleaners are fine in their natural habitat – on a city street in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn. But cleaning the freeway at 2pm on a Tuesday is not cool, though the caravan of public works trucks made it a little more bearable. In order from back to front it went: A big truck with an 8 foot bumper and blinking merge sign crapping out a constant stream of lit flares, street cleaner #1, street cleaner #2, and the lead truck with a guy hanging out the side, grabbing the big stuff and flinging it into the back.

Eventually I made it to San Leandro: Clad exclusively in sweatpants since 1654. I saw 5 people wearing sweatpants in a span of 20 minutes.

Not that I can judge. Today I went to the store and library wearing big, battleship gray, polyester pants, a green nylon windbreaker, white socks, and a t-shirt that says "Who Flung Poo" featuring a picture of a monkey with a baseball glove. If anyone wants to back my fashion line let me know. I'll round up some portly models.

Finally, totally unrelated to fashion, the open mic went pretty well. I did "Been Thinking About You" by Radiohead during which I only goofed up the lyrics once, and "Falling Down" by Muse, during which I screwed up the lyrics once and the chords twice. I only have myself to blame as 2 out of the 3 people who would have made the audience truly eclectic didn't show up.

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