Saturday, February 26, 2005

One More for the Road

I saw the dead penguin again today, but this time it was joined about a mile up the road, by what I thought was a turkey. It was a big round bird with brown feathers sticking up in back, though it had kind of a longish neck.

Upon consulting a friend that has a BS in animal science and works for the LA zoo, I came to realize it was probably a peahen, or girl peacock for those of you who didn't know (like me) that all peacocks are dudes.

Peahens, like penguins, are not the most nimble creatures ever to roam the earth. How do all these things get into the fast lane? I'm starting to think that some Pinole, California resident has a lot of weird pets, and he is getting sick of said pets pecking at the carpet. Or maybe, in the case of the penguin, sick of finding fish in his slippers. I think he entices the birds into the car with the offer of a trip to Berkeley, and then a few miles down the road the window comes down and out they go.

Everyone wants to make jokes, but animal cruelty is a serious matter. However, being the understanding guy I am, I'll start you out:

Why did the penguin and peahen cross the road?


A peahen and a penguin walk into a freeway and the freeway tender says...

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