Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Questions Answered

Since nothing interesting happened today, I shall answer comment questions.

Lighting the votive: Shoot 2 squirts of binaca as close to the wick as possible. Then stand back 6 or so inches from the candle (making sure nothing flammable is near by) and shoot a 3rd squirt of binaca over a lit lighter into the candle. This creates a fireball which, in turn, lights the binaca gathered below the wick. For some reason the binaca residue hangs out in votive wax for longer than it does on other things, which happens to be just enough time to get the candle going.

Killing flies: Same idea as lighting the candle, except no candle, and aim the fireball at the fly.

Here's a question of my own: Why are skunks so depressed right now? I see (and/or smell) 3 or 4 dead skunks a day. Why are the skunks crossing the road? To get hit by a semi? To make the Bay Area smell bad? The point certainly doesn't seem to be to get to the other side. I think they walk half way across the street, stop, turn, stand up on their hind legs, put one paw on a hip and stretch the other paw out front in the universal sign for stop. We don't stop, and now the freeways smell. Cheer up little buddies. You've so much to live for.

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