Monday, February 07, 2005

What a Place to Poop

On the way home from work I saw a very small dog taking a crap in the middle of a crosswalk while his owner looked back and forth between his wee, squatting dog and the countdown to green for the oncoming traffic. I now understand how many uses those crosswalk countdown things have:

1) They tell you how much time you have to get across the street.
2) When in a car, they tell you how much time you have before the light turns yellow.
3) They add artificial suspense to pooping.

As I watched as the counter went down from 7 seconds, to 6, then to 5, I really did feel a little tense. Would he finish up in time? Would there be a last-second problem with the plastic collection-bag, using up precious crossing seconds?

It turned out that the dog finished at about 3, the owner deftly scooped with his baggie at 2, and they had safely made it to the curb by 0.

Who says I didn't have an exciting day?

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