Friday, February 18, 2005

Some Things Unrelated For Free (STUFF)

*I have two actual things scheduled for this weekend, and then a number of tentative things that are already falling through. Apparently, to me two things is a lot. I was worrying that I wouldn't have time to do my laundry before Monday. But as I sit here on this, my run of the mill Friday night, I realize that I could do laundry now, or tomorrow between my scheduled activities, or during any portion of my extremely tentative Sunday. I need to learn that two events on either end of a Saturday does not a weekend fill.

*Today my supervisor was telling me stories of living in San Francisco in the late 60s. Apparently he was in a house right at Haight and Ashbury with something like 9 rooms which became available when this really big, nasty, mean guy with a beard was evicted, and the big, mean, nasty landlord let them move in. Eventually the BNM guy moved back in, and when the BNM landlord saw him, the landlord stabbed the guy in the knee with the huge screwdriver he liked to carry around. The stabbee's girlfriend pulled her gun on the landlord and the police were called to sort it out. Eventually the situation calmed down and no more damage was done beyond the hole in the guy's knee which lined up nicely with the hole in his leather pants. They were all evicted, but managed to fight it for 3 rent-free months on the argument that "the landlord was stabbing people with screwdrivers."

At that point one of the roommates moved into a cave near the Cliff House Restaurant, and most of the rest found an empty house in Novato. They moved all their stuff in and lived there for a few months before a man walked up the driveway.

Man: Who the hell are you people?!
Them: Who the hell are you?
Man: I'm the guy that owns this house.
Them: Oh. We'd like to rent it from you.
Man: Ok. $200 a month.
Them: Done.

Between 10 and 20 people lived in the house until the man died and the house was left to his kids who decided to sell it.

*Falling Down by Muse is just an excellent song. If I could figure out the chords for the chorus I might attempt it at open mic.

*I'm thinking I should put all the crap I don't want on eBay. One of those auction-off-my-life things. (Although all the crap I don't want is no where near all my crap.)

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