Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Joys of Tempe

I left an iced over San Francisco on an 8am flight to Tempe. On my way to the airport I listened to a traffic report warning that 101N was closed at Marin City because of a 31 car pile up due to rain, ice, and hail. The perfect time to go to Tempe.

My flight was delayed on arrival because of torrential rains. It hasn't rained in 4 months, but it rained today, and Tempe has terrible drainage. There are some serious puddles around here.

Now I'm checked into my Hotel which has "Free WiFi throughout." I may have to walk down to the lobby to post this.

And I learned today that I will definitely be sharing this room with the other guy who is out here covering the Tempe area. He should feel right at home though, being a smoker, as my room smells very much like an ashtray.

Since it's Saturday night I've been combing the internet for stuff to do and I've come up with 2 options:

1) Go see Minus The Bear. Minus is one of two bands that are playing in Tempe tonight. Their website hints that they may be a pretty cool band, but there are a number of problems with tonight's venue. The first is that it's on E. Broadway Rd. Broadway, as you follow it from West to East, starts as West Broadway, becomes East Broadway at 7th Ave, goes back to West at 52nd Street, and finely stays East after Highway 87. I drove around for a very long time trying to find the particular stretch of E. Broadway Rd that contained the club, and when I did it was bursting at the seams with high school kids. I guess it's an all ages show.

2) Go see a movie. The only one I want to see is Fun with Dick and Jane. We'll see how I feel at 9:15pm. I figure I should give myself at least a half hour to find the theater.

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