Monday, July 05, 2004


Yesterday was a cold, cloudy, and windy 4th of July. This is not to say that it wasn't fun, it's just to say that it was cold and not very fireworky.

A bunch of us went down to the Marina to sit on the grass and watch the fireworks, which were to be launched about a mile down the shore. Our first problem was that we got there at 7:30ish, and the fireworks started at 9ish. We had food, drink, and things to talk about, but it was a tad cloudy and the wind was picking up. So by the time 9ish came, we were all pretty cold.

When the fireworks did start, it actually took 5 or so minutes of discussion to figure out if they had actually started. It had gotten so cloudy, that the fireworks would shoot up into the air and disappear. Then sparks would come down from the clouds a few seconds later. So while I imagine people right near the launch site saw up, boom, and down, we only saw up and down. Although sometimes a big one would go up and the clouds would glow various colors.

We were not, however, totally without the boom portion of festivities. People brought some really nice high-flying big-booming fireworks from home, which they let off over the field. So those were nice, if not a little sparse. I don’t know where people got such nice fireworks, and why the 9,000,000 cops didn’t do anything about the people lighting them off.

The quote of the evening was as follows:

"Hey look! It's a pregnant guy."
"No, I think he's just Indian."

[The first part was commenting on the otherwise fairly skinny man's very protruding potbelly. The second part was someone thinking the first part was about the man's native garb, which did look slightly like maternity wear when combined with the belly.]

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