Wednesday, July 07, 2004

No Sleep. Bum. 'Till Breakfast. Bum Bum.

I hate getting broken up with. Not that I’ve had that much experience. Ok, this is the first time it's ever happened. But with my new found experience I can safely say that I hate being broken up with.

The first stage is worrying that something is wrong. Why isn't she being affectionate? Why does she say that she wants to be "alone" but still hangs out with her friends? Where did the I-love-you's go?

Stage two is worrying that something is up. “I think she may break up with me. That would explain the weirdness. I think I won't sleep for two days.”

Stage three sucks. Stage three is when I get an email that says the relationship is being reassessed, and I get it at work so I have to just think about it for 8 hours: no escape or outlet for my worries. The email ends with an "I want to talk to you when you get off work." - never a good sign.

Stage four sucks worse than stage three. It's waiting for the call. It's calling to see what happened to the call. It’s being called back because she's too busy to break up with me right now, she's hanging out with friends.

Two hours later stage 5 hits. It's pretty simple: a phone call break up.

Stage 6: Move all x-girlfriend related paraphernalia into a box in the closet.

Stage 7: More not sleeping. Being sad. Lots of sad insomnia.

I hate being broken up with.

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