Thursday, October 21, 2004

Generic Little Orange Dude (GLOD)

I'm guessing here, but I think the last time I carved a pumpkin was round about 1989 at my dad's old house. I'm not sure about that, but it's my only concrete memory of it, although that isn’t saying much. I just remember sitting on floor in the kitchen thinking, "the insides of this pumpkin are icky." It also seems to me I made a huge mess.

Not this time. I managed to keep all the pumpkin carnage to single piece of newspaper.

It's surprisingly hard to carve a pumpkin. Lack of control and dull knives make detailed contours almost impossible. My pumpkin was supposed to have eyeballs and a round mouth. When his eyeballs fell off, and his eyes got much bigger than anticipated, the round mouth starting looking strange. So now he's become your standard, run of the mill, generic pumpkin, except with a larger than average nose. GLOD face not withstanding, I did enjoy coming up with some pumpkin accessories:

1) Pumpkin hat: It's made of tin foil, and serves no purpose.

2) Hat lifter: As a result of the pumpkin hat, which is only stapled to the pumpkin lid, I had no way of getting the lid off to insert the candle. So I took a wire coat hanger and ran it up through the lid. You can just see it sticking out the top of the hat.

3) Candle carriage: Since my pumpkin is tall and skinny, and I don't have any lighters that will reach a pre-placed candle, I had to find a way of lighting the candle and then putting in the pumpkin. I twisted a circle in the bottom of the other (detached) half of the coat hanger and made a handle for the top. Light candle, place on carriage, and place candle safely in pumpkin. The other option would be to fill the pumpkin with butane and engulf in the insides in flame, but I though that might hurt the pumpkin. Maybe I’ll do that right before I throw it away.

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