Thursday, October 14, 2004

Partly Political Posting

Last night in the final Presidential Debate, Bush had a small gob of spit in the corner of his mouth. (His right side, our left.) It showed up 5 or 10 minutes in, and stuck around for about an hour. It was all I could look at. I couldn't hear the drivel over the dribble. After the spittle got taken care of, my attention switched to the fact that the Bush ears are both huge and lopsided. His left one really is noticeably bigger than his right.

Also in me news, this morning I woke up convinced it was Friday. My internal clock said it was Payday, the end of the week, but all my external clocks were telling me that Friday was tomorrow. I guess I'll have to go by them, as it seems no one else goes by my internal clock. It's probably for the best. I don't think I could get much done with everyone calling me all day asking me what time I think it is, and how it relates to their particular time zone.

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