Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Rock the Vote

I've been trying to gather pub quiz team names by reading Reuters Oddly Enough and stealing headlines and phrases from the articles. Here's my list so far. You can all vote and see whose gets picked. (If any of these do get picked.) And while you are at it, suggest some good ones for next time. It's surprisingly hard to come up with a fancy quality team name.

240,000 liters of pig manure
Turning dog waste into power
Killing over toilet paper
Would-be rock star plunges from bed to death
Death by misadventure
Well, that should wipe the pandemic right out
$4,000 for bird flu
Anterior crotch length
Competing under false pretences
En route to 96th place
Dart injuries rise sharply
Someone stole my leg again
Tiger poo is scary
Fun with horse(s) stencils (Not for Reuters, from Kristin.)
Chub quiz (Also from Kristin.)
Not Shane's dentist (There was a team that always won called Shane's dentist.)

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