Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tuesday Night

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock: 11:00 on the dot. Was it time to get up already? Do I usually get up now? What does my alarm say?

Flicking the switch on my clock made the display read 6:00. Is that what time it is now? Am I late for work? Why was it on the alarm setting when I looked the first time? What's with all the even times?

Stumbling out of bed, I stabbed at my computer's on button before making a move toward the bathroom. A step outside my bedroom door I paused while a groggy epiphany gurgled to the surface of my barely formed consciousness: It's 11pm, I've been asleep for 45 minutes, and I don't know why I woke up but it certainly wasn't because my alarm went off. Go back to bed.

I turned around, clicked my computer screen off, and happily went back to bed. I had a feeling I hadn't had enough sleep when I woke up. And I was right.

And this, my friends, is why I don't take naps.

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