Thursday, December 30, 2004

Chin Fuzz

I'm running my annual chin experiment.

Once in a while I like to see if my chin will grow anything resembling a goatee. I've sprouted hair on my upper lip, my chin, and the patch of skin between my chin and my throat. (What's that place called? My underhead?) But I have no whiskers to connect my lip fuzz and chin fuzz, and my cheeks are a hair wasteland except for a few mole outposts and 2 or 3 go-get-em follicles near my ear.

It's not that I want to grow chin hair ala the Anthrax guy or anything, but I feel that if I'm going to have to shave everyday to keep from looking trailer parky, then I should have the option to stop shaving and grow something respectable. But I can't. Yet. Hence the experiment.

On the bright side, I'm not going to gross anyone out with a hairy back or chest. I guess I'm just not a waist-up hairy person, though I'm not sure that is due to genes or gravity. I certainly have some respectable hair-pants.


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