Monday, December 20, 2004

Comment Comments

I've never seen anyone devote an entire post to commenting on comments from previous posts, so I hope it's not some important unwritten blogger convention that I'm flouting here.

In regard to all the people I'm not dating:

1) The consensus on this one seems to be that I should go for it and see what happens, but I'm just not shallow enough to make a move without having a little conversation first. And if it turns out she's happy that Bush got elected then neither moves nor conversation will get made.

2) Yeah, smoking bothers me that much. Even if she manages to smoke down wind of herself, then kissing sucks. Smoking makes your lungs smell for like 3 hours after your last puff. So even with the liberal application of toothpaste every exhale smells like an ashtray, and I'm very smell oriented. I smell everything. I smell cups before I fill them whatever beverage I'm about to drink. Clean cups. Cups which I've taken, still warm, out of the dish washer. Also, I think anyone who describes herself as a heavy smoker maybe isn't trying to quit.

3) While I was pretending not to be shallow for person number 1, I am. She, along with being 19, was also kind of an ugo. I really did feel bad about that though. She emailed me, which means she used at least part of her $20 monthly fee to send me a message and I ignored it. But what was I supposed to say? "Hi, thanks for emailing, but you are too young and a little funny looking. Have a nice day!"

4) Everyone but my roommate agrees to say no on the tranny. My roommate maintains that I should go on 1 date just for the story. There's only a tiny bit of merit to this. If I'd gone out on the date and she'd told me then that she was/is a he, then that makes for a good story. But if I go out with a tranny fully aware of her tranniness, then that just reflects badly on me. Thank you, no.

And so I remain single. Though there is one girl who (I think) is attractive that messaged me a while ago. All her pictures have her head leaning on one shoulder or another, so she may not have any neck muscles. But maybe I should work on that shallow thing and send her an email.

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