Thursday, December 23, 2004

Idiots At Tollbooths

In the Bay Area we have tollbooths after many of our bridges. Tollbooths are slow and therefore they usually create lines. For people who don't like waiting or don't like to come up with $3 in cash after each crossing, we have an automated system called FasTrak. You get a little beeper you put behind your rearview mirror, and you can drive through the FasTrak only lanes without stopping. Or that's how it's supposed to work.

Twice in two weeks I've had the same thing happen to me. I'm happily aiming my van at the FasTrak-Only lane when somebody decides they don't like the line in which they are waiting waaaay over to one side, so they cross over 5 or six lanes to get in my lane. So first off, they've just cut me off, so I have to slam on my breaks. But whatever, I get cut off all the time, so I'm not honking.

They see how nice my lane is with its thick white stripes on either side, whith its sign above it that says FasTrak Only, with its blinking yellow light, with no cars waiting to get onto the bridge. They see that this lane in marking and signage looks like none of the other lanes. They see this and they decide this is the lane for them. But when they stop at the toll booth they are surprised to see that there's no one there to take their money. And now I've pulled up behind them and I'm wondering what the hell they're up to. So I honk.

This throws them into a tizzy and they put on a right turn signal, then a left turn signal, then reverse lights. I can't back up because people are building up behind us. So I honk again, and they zip through, toll unpaid.

Why do people do this? Have they never been across the bridge before? I've seen lots of people get right up to the end of the lane and then try to cut into another line. Those people are bastards, but at least I know what they're up to. The people who cut me off must think, "FasTrak? That sounds like me. I'm in a hurry and I would like to go fast. All those people waiting in line are fools. FOOLS!"

It's a wonder I still like driving, but I guess it's not a wonder that I don't like people.

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