Thursday, April 14, 2005

Zero Sum Day

I started my day as I normally do, by stumbling out of bed and into the bathroom. As I was sitting on the toilet reading Newsweek, I got an inkling of how the rest of my day would go when I drooled on myself for the second time in as many days.

Yep, just like yesterday morning, a longish string of drool jumped off my lower lip and landed on my arm. Drool on me once, shame on the drool. Drool on me twice, well, don't drool on me twice.

After taking my shower to wash off both my nightly accumulated funk and my fresh drool, I went to work where I put together 4 mattresses. (Yeah, when we sell them they come in pieces, and it's not exciting enough to go into more detail.) At that point I was sent to Alameda to check on a mattress another tech (the one that sets his car alarm off every time he enters his vehicle) was having trouble setting up.

So I drove the 45 minutes to Alameda to find the tech gone, the bed made, and the patient asleep. There was no way to check on the mattress, so I went to lunch and came back to the depot.

When I got there, my supervisor told me that the foam inserts weren't coated with fire-retardant material and I had to take them apart. By 5pm I had officially undone everything I had done for the day.

For anyone keeping score, my accomplishments for the day are as follows:

1) Going to the bathroom
2) Keeping up my daily drool routine for the second day running
3) Showering
4) Eating a bagel
5) Eating lunch

That's it. That's every single thing I've accomplished today. And now, to top it off, I plan to go undercook some 4-cheese ravioli, sprinkle some parmesan cheese over it (the kind in the green can), and go to sleep. Not an exciting day, but I'm liking where my night is going.

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