Sunday, March 06, 2005

The Amazingness of my Landlords

Because I just got back from Albuquerque and want to go to bed, I shall give everyone a super quick wall update (See a couple of posts back).

That's it. You have the whole update: Nothing happened.

When conjecturing with my Mom about the possible wall outcomes when I arrived home, she asked if I had any duct tape and plastic sheeting in the event that nothing had been done. I said that I didn't, but I did have packaging tape and plastic bags. However, when I arrived home there was a small pile outside my door consisting of 2 rolls of duct tape, a utility knife*, and a square of plastic sheeting.

My theory is that my landlord brought stuff over to do a patch job but couldn't get past my cunningly locked door. I guess I could live here forever rent free as long as I didn't let him in.

* I pondered whether to put an or a in front of utility knife. I seems like an is technically correct, but a sounds better and spell/grammar check agrees.

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