Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'll Let You Know

When I'm at home I'm either in my room, where I can see my computer, or in the living room, where I can hear my computer. So whenever I get an email I get the little outlook noise (or the gmail notifier noise depending on the email address) and I wander in to see who emailed me. As a result, I'm often the first person to reply to Evites.

I'm not sure if this is good or bad. Being the first one at the party seems like a bad thing. But do others worry about being the first to respond to an Evite? Maybe I'm getting the ball rolling. Then again, maybe others decide whether or not to attend on the basis of my response. "Will Mike be there? Yes? Oh, then I have someplace else to be. I can't stand another evening of watching him get all drunk on sprite and shuffle around not talking to anyone."

Whatever. The party in question will have food made by one of the party throwers which fully justifies my yes response showing up within mere seconds of the Evite going out.

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