Friday, March 25, 2005


I remain besieged by messages from dudes.

My Yahoo! personals profile says that I am a man in search of a woman. It goes not say "and by women I mean dudes." The fact that I want to date women is pretty straight forward. (No pun intended.) If I were in the market for transgendered people, I probably wouldn't be on Yahoo! where that isn't a check box.

The first dude that emailed me actually looks a little like a lady in his picture. I would have though he was just an unattractive girl if his profile hadn't included that phrase "trans gurl from SF."

The second dude said nothing about his dudeness. He hadn't posted a picture before sending me an icebreaker, and I read through his profile where he announces that he's 5'11", athletic, and a woman. 5'11" is a tad tall for my scant 5'10" frame (unless the bond is strong and you sell things on eBay), but all in all she looked like she might be fun to hang out with from reading her profile. Then she posted a picture.

When the picture is small, she looks like a girl. When the picture is bigger, one starts to become suspicious of the jaw-line and broad shoulders. When the full body picture comes up, one becomes suspicious of the fact that he is obviously a dude with long hair, lipstick, nail polish, and uggs.

Maybe I need to take another look at my profile. Maybe I have a typo someplace that says I'd like to meet someone with a sense of humor and a penis. Strange though, I don't usually accidentally type the word penis.

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