Friday, March 25, 2005


I'm not a big talker. If I don't know you I might not talk at all, and if I do know you I may only talk slightly more than if I didn't know you at all. I recognize that not all people are this way. Some people like to talk, as was illustrated by my final 5pm delivery today.

Generally delivering something takes about a half hour. I got to his place at 5 and didn't leave until 6:30pm. This lady seemed very nice, but I really just wanted to get home. During "our talk" we covered:

-The U.C. System
-Guns on campus
-Students of the U.C. system both former and current
-Professors at the U.C. system
-Terry Schiavo (Whose last name, by they way, comes up with 5,170,000 search results in Google. Yikes.)
-Insurance companies
-The FBI
-Why I should join the FBI to fill their diminishing ranks of agents
-My future career goals
-Continuing education
-The Pacific Northwest
-The pronunciation of Oregon (Or ah gun)
-The pronunciation of the Willamette Valley (will am it)
-California Politics
-The differences in weather between Syracuse, New York and Irvine, California
-The history of the founding of Irvine, California
-Various friends and family members who have ever been in or near a hospital
-The ledged of the Best Visiting Nurse Ever
-The fact that she hates Mexicans

Yeah, the last one threw me off too. As I was trying to escape to my van, she followed me out. I commented that the apartment complex seemed very child oriented. (I.E. there were a ton of kids running around.) She opined that it was a dump and infested with Mexicans.

Earlier in the ordeal she told me I was very nice and seemed very smart. It was akin to having someone compliment your cooking and then nibble on some cat poop.

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