Saturday, March 05, 2005

Empathy? No?

Have you ever tried to take a shower using the tub spigot, but only with equivalent water flow of a lackadaisical drinking fountain? I just did, and I don't feel very clean.

I couldn't take a shower because a) I re-caulked the door last night and b) there's a big hole in the shower wall. I couldn't take a bath because the drain plug doesn't work and the only other thing I could think of to clog the drain has food bits on it.

With no other course of action available, I turned on the tube faucet to a trickle and mashed my face up against the drain handle to try to get water to run over my hair. This of course made my hair a little wet, and the rest of me slightly damp and very cold. I often bring the space heater into the bathroom with me, and why I didn't do it today is a mystery for the ages.

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