Monday, May 02, 2005

3 Things
(Including the blog equivalent of a forward)

First off, I've been nominated, or tagged, or forced because of my craving for Cate attention to write a MEME. After that I'll get to what I sat down to post about in the first place. So here it goes:

If I could be a doctor… I would change my name to Claw and find a nemesis named Gadget.

If I could be a missionary… I'd probably get fired for not meeting my quota. Either that or I would constantly be harassing myself to read the bible. Man that would be annoying.

If I could be a librarian… I would have a Masters Degree in Library and Information Studies (MLS/MLIS) from a college or university accredited by the American Library Association. When I was unemployed I applied for EVERYTHING.

If I could be a bonnie pirate… I would apparently go and pillage all the bonnies. What's a bonnie?

If I could be married to any current famous political figure… I would probably live in an apartment with heat.

Ok, so now I guess I have to tag 3 people. Let's say Peter, Brandon, and Amy, all of whom haven't posted anything in more than 15 days.

Ok, now on to more stuff nobody wants to read.

Here's a word of advice in case you ever find yourself in this situation: Sliding a huge plastic mattress bag over a vinyl bottomed mattress produces static electricity. I was well aware of this fact, but today I learned that I should be more careful when unsheathing a mattress. Today, whilst debagging an AirCell, the first part of my body to get close to a grounding bedrail was my crotch. If somebody had been standing behind me I would have assed them into the next room.

Also, a second word of advice: Don't let your dog poop near the parking place of a guy with a large and readily available supply of rubber gloves. Especially not when he's been trying to write a post while your dog's barking approaches the frequency of squeaky toys.

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