Thursday, May 05, 2005

Picture Page it's Picture Page

Did anyone else watch that show?

Because I've noticed several apartment for rent signs on Lincoln Street in San Rafael, but have been unable to slow down to write down the phone numbers, I took my camera to work today. As a result I've discovered that the apartments on Lincoln are too expensive, and that I need to charge my battery before setting out to take pictures.

Luckily I had enough juice to take a picture of the Too Crazy Ladies caravan on 101N. I'm sure their title is meant to be cute and all double meaningy, but I want them to pick one meaning and stick to it. I guess they are on their way to Santa Rosa to set up at the fairgrounds in time for the dog show. Yep, it was more than I wanted to know also.

And since I'm posting pictures, here's one of a button I'm making for a friend. He has a shirt whose button hole has gotten far too big for his regular sized button. So, because he needs an extra large button, and because his shirt says "Two Bits," I figured a quarter would be just right.

It's much harder than I thought it would be to drill holes in a quarter.

You may not have wanted to see any of these pictures, but count your lucky stars that my camera had already run out of battery power when I saw the elephantine, and disturbingly giggly, woman walking her itty bitty dog. Picture the Jolly Green Giant walking a mouse, except put the giant in a gargantuan tie-dyed dress, make him a woman, and make the mouse a miniature dachshund.

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