Friday, May 27, 2005

B-list Actors

Last night I had a dream where, among other things, I thought I recognized this girl working at some store. I soon realized that since I was in Fairfield, she must be the same girl who works at the coffee stand across the street from Travis Air Force Base.

I realize the dream isn't very exciting, but I bring it up because I think it's odd that my brain chooses to populate my dreams with only the most obscure characters from my everyday life. I've seen that girl maybe 4 times during the whole of my existence*, so it's not like she's a meaningful part of my life at this point.

Pretty soon I'll start having dreams about some lady I saw filling up her car as I drove past the 76 station on Mark West Road, and it'll drive me nuts trying to figure out where I know her from.

Oh my. Sleeping is such a chore.

*If one were not so good at distinguishing between homonyms, one might say “the hole of my existence,” which would be a really depressing sentiment.

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